10 Tips to improve your credit

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

There are several actions you can implement to help improve your credit score. The first step is to check your credit report. Command of your credit report is simple,

and you can understand in connection with the accounts and the information that a negative impact on your credit may have.
1. The accounts of their wages on time and pay at least the minimum amount due.
2. Contact your creditors immediately if you miss a payment, and work out a payment plan with you before they sign the credit services.

3. Close any credit card accounts in good standing. The individuals with no history of credit tend to be viewed as higher risk than others of whom a report responsibly

managing debt.

4. Avoid maxing out your credit cards. It is better to spend less on two cards with room to spare on the subject. Typically you would be 30% of your credit card

limits amounts. If your credit card has a limit of $ 10,000 your balance does not exceed $ 3000 should be.

5. Ask creditors to your credit limit to be lifted so that you do not seem to be fragmented. This is an excellent way to increase your score if you have current balance

on a credit card are 50% of the border are, with a limit increase you lower your balance ratio ratio will reduce your balance.

6. Do not open any new accounts because it is an interest in acquiring new debt shows, which can reduce your score.

7. Aim for a rich mix of credit, with revolving credit (credit cards) and advance debt (car loan, student loan). According to a study someone with a home mortgage

scored higher than someone without a home mortgage.

8. If you suspect your creditor reports no positive information to the service, contact the creditors or services directly to the straight and report them.

9. Correct errors on your credit reports.

10. Get to know the main factors that drag the bottom of your score so you can confirm them.


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